How Do You "Do School!?"
Your amazing staff here at GLLA would like to share a new resource with you that we hope will strengthen and enhance your overall school experience!
We are kicking off a new video series designed to highlight important and unique aspects of the online learning experience. Some of these recordings will address old topics in a new way, while others may be completely new ideas to both the new student as well as the online school veteran. We hope you will find these short videos informative and relevant to your everyday school-life.
Got a good idea for a quick how-to style video? We're always looking for more ideas for future videos, so please feel free to reach out to your homeroom teacher or one of our assistant principal's ( Ms. Angela Grilli for High School or Mr. Doc Snell for Middle School) with either those cool ideas or any additional questions along the way or fill out the suggestion form below!
We are kicking off a new video series designed to highlight important and unique aspects of the online learning experience. Some of these recordings will address old topics in a new way, while others may be completely new ideas to both the new student as well as the online school veteran. We hope you will find these short videos informative and relevant to your everyday school-life.
Got a good idea for a quick how-to style video? We're always looking for more ideas for future videos, so please feel free to reach out to your homeroom teacher or one of our assistant principal's ( Ms. Angela Grilli for High School or Mr. Doc Snell for Middle School) with either those cool ideas or any additional questions along the way or fill out the suggestion form below!
New Student Advice:
How to Create, Save &
Dialing in a Daily Routine (Sep 2023) |
Weekly Attendance (Sep 2023) |